The Family

Sunday, October 23, 2011

NEW CLASS!!!! MMA/BJJ Conditioning starts NOW!!!

Off site workout starts tomorrow.....

Beginning Monday Oct 24th we will be holding MMA/BJJ cconditioning classes in the early morning. This class is designed for BJJ Conquest competitors training for upcoming fights or tournaments that want to help synchronize their on and off the mat training. You must be 18 or over to attend, and should already have a good fitness base to build on. THIS WILL BE HARD AND INTENSE!! So come prepared to work. The class will involve a 10-15 min warm up, 5-10 min instructional period, and about a 30 minute workout. Be at Crofton Crossfit by 6:40 AM for warm up, with the workout starting no later than 7:00 AM. We should be finished up by 7:45 AM. We are going to run this as a trial for a few weeks to gage interest. The plan is to have class at the same time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and a TBD time on Saturday. Nate is a certified Crossfit instructor and the only one authorized by the gym to teach this class. Pay close attention to Facebook the night before each class for last minute cancellations. If Nate can't make it, class will be canceled. More information will follow throughout the week as the class gets rolling. See you out there.     

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